Connecting the dots. Spreading the message. Bringing spiritual into material.
You have selected the state of #7
which is identified with the notion of #Conquest.
#7 <> #7.
#Conquest is a quest
of connecting the dots together,
bringing intention from within
towards the outside.
It materializes spiritual.
#6 < #7.
A possible setback may occur
through the notion of
which occurs when
#Exaltation rejoices itself,
refusing further #Conquest.
#6 > #7.
However, the current state is already there,
so it’s important to remember
what brought one here:
#emancipating the state of #Exaltation
from its own ego
brings it towards the #Conquest that’s
in its core.
Spreading the joy of living and loving.
#7 <> #17.
The state #7 #Conquest is connected
to the state of #17 #Ascension
by way of mirror relation
from the parallel cycle.
This connection reveals the notion
which can help the current state
to fully realize itself
using the wisdom
of a similar,
but a more mature
the notion of #heroism
is required
to perform #Conquest
in the way of #Ascension.
The hero is on the highway towards the world, before venturing into eternity.
Special Agent on the Special Mission.
#7 <> #14.
Another important connection is from #7 #Conquest
to the state #14 #Generousity
by way of complimentary relation.
(6 + 15 = 21)
Bringing something to the current state
that it needs to be complete:
#hope is what brings
#Generosity into #Conquest
#Conquest through #Generosity.
Not only for oneself,
but also for others.
#7 < #8.
The next evolutionary step
from #7 #Conquest
to #8 Equilibrium:
Realizing priorities.
A possible obstacle on this path
is through the notion of
which arises
when #Equilibrium
is not found in #Conquest
when everything is in the process
of finding its own place within,
attempting without perspective.
#7 > #8.
The next step occurs
with #confidence
which brings
the right #Equilibrium for #Conquest:
everything has the place it deserves,
priorities and perspectives produce
non-equilibrium balance.
#conquest #heroism #emancipation #confidence
#chariot #cancer #water #strength
Copyright © 2016 Special Agency, agent Paranyushkin, agent Johnco