#4: #Stabilization

Everything is given the time and space that it needs. Base. Infrastructure.

#4: #Stabilization


You have selected the state of #4,
which is identified with the notion of #Stabilization.

#4 <> #4.

#Stabilization arrives
when everything is given
the space and time
that it needs.

Stability is not necessarily
    about balance.
Rather, it can be
non-equilibrium stability,
repetition of certain patterns
throughout time.

#Stabilization can imagine a universe
but it does not become one with it yet.

It masters material.

A possible setback may occur
through the notion of


which arises
whenever #Expression
is perpetuating itself
without finding any #Stabilization,
dissolving the intent into possibilities,
avoiding responsibility.

However, the current state is already there,
so it’s important to remember
what brought one here:


which channels
#Expression into #Stabilization,
solidifying itself into the real,
gaining the power and the momentum
it needs to evolve.

The state #4 #Stabilization is connected
to the state of #14 #Generousity

by way of mirror relation
from the parallel cycle.
(4 <> 14)

This connection reveals the notion
which can help the current state
to fully realize itself
using the wisdom
of a similar,
but a more mature

having a #discipline,
adhering to protocol
reflects #Generosity in #Stabilization.
Generosity needs infrastructure.

Infrastructure needs generosity.

Another relation is from #4 #Stabilization 
to the state #17 #Ascension
by way of complimentary relation.
(4 + 17 = 21)

Bringing something to the current state
that it needs to be complete:

the link between
#Stabilization and #Ascension;
realizing that there is the divine, 
allowing oneself to be drawn by it,
allowing oneself to be it. To enchant.
One needs to push from the ground
in order to fly.

The next evolutionary step
from #4 #Stabilization
to #5 Communication:
The one who has a kingdom
looks at the moon
and realizes
to be just a part
of the whole universe.

A possible obstacle on this evolutionary path
is through the notion of

which does not foresee the Cosmos.

#Stabilization rejoices in its own safety occasionally contemplating
#Communicative capacities that it has.

The step further,
the transormation
from the material to spiritual
by way of #faith
#Stability shifts into #Communication,

prophecy, message.
Material becomes the seed of expression,
transforms into a concept.

#stabilization #discipline #enchantment
#emperor #aries #fire #victory #foundation