#21: #Realization

An act of connecting singular and multiple. Polysingularity.

#21: #Realization


You have selected the state of #21
which is identified with the notion of #Realization.

#21 <> #21.

#Realization is the Universe,
the World.

Entering into the realm of #Realization,
is to become the whole,
    while being a part of it.
An act of connecting
    a singular and multiple.

#21 > #20.

A possible setback
may occur through the notion of

who emerges when #Reincarnation    
does not #Realize itself fully,
     refusing its history into the flow.

#21 < #20.

However, the current state is already there,
so it’s important to remember
what brought one here:

#transcendence of one’s own boundaries, 
    creating new contexts and niches,
#Reincarnation towards a new

#21 <> #0.

The state #21 #Realization is connected
to the state of #0 #Vitality
by way of mirror relation
from the parallel cycle

This connection reveals the notion
which can help the current state
to fully realize itself
using the wisdom
of a similar,
but a more mature

It is at the same time a complimentary relation,
what one needs in order to be connected to the other
in order to evolve and turn #Realization into the primal energy once again.

To enter #Vitality of the new cycle.

A possible obstacle on this way appears through the notion of


which does not let the form
find the content it needs.

The step further happens with

#Realization of #Vitality

Waves, oscillations

    are in sync across multiple
    frequency spectrums.

Life form gets its life force.

Alignment with Universe.
Initiating a new stream, a new cycle.

#realization #syncrhonization #resonance
#world #saturn #foundaring #earth