#17: #Ascension

To be first and foremost for the others. Exploding and imploding oneself into Cosmos.

#17: #Ascension


You have selected the state of #17
which is identified with the notion of #Ascension.

#17 <> #17.

is the highway towards eternity.

It is first and foremost for the others.

Exploding and imploding oneself
    into Cosmos.

Expanding one’s reach
committing to the Path.

#16 < #17.

a possible setback may occur through

#obsession with #Celebration

obstructing the #Ascension
into the divine realm.

Reiterating the new possibility
    enjoying its own reflections.

#16 > #17.  

However, the current state is already there,
so it’s important to remember
what brought one here:

setting something apart
    towards the divine
brings #Ascension and #Celebration

Higher purpose
    turns festivity
    into Ritual.

#17 <> #7.

The state #17 #Ascension is connected
to the state of #7 #Conquest
by way of mirror relation
from the parallel cycle.

This connection reveals the notion
which can help the current state
to fully realize itself
using the wisdom
of a similar,
but a more mature

the notion of #heroism is required
to perform #Conquest
in the way of #Ascension.
The hero is on the highway
towards the world,
before venturing into eternity.

Special Agent on Special Mission.

#17 <> #4.

Another important connection is from #17 #Ascension
to #4 #Stabilization
by way of complimentary relation.
(17 + 4 = 21)

Bringing something to the current state
that it needs to be complete:

#enchantment  — The link between
    #Stabilization and #Ascension;

Realizing that there is the divine, 
allowing oneself to be drawn by it,
allowing oneself to be it.

To enchant.

One needs to push from the ground
    in order to fly.

The next evolutionary step
from #17 #Ascension
to #18 Imagination:
Taking the new perspective
to reinvent oneself.

#17 < #18.

A possible obstacle may arise on this path through

a trap where #Ascension lacks the #Imagination that it needs to travel.

It sacrifices itself to the comfort of sense.

#17 > #18.

A step further occurs through the notion of

    gaining power

    giving power
by way of #Imagination
towards #Ascension.

#ascension #enchantment #heroism
#star #aquarius #beauty #air